Bible Black Gaiden.
Legenda | Subtitles: Português [HARDSUB]
Chroma Ghost:
O Bluray tem muito crop e as cores estouradas, além de ser censurado. A versão custom corrige isso.
Não faço raw video porque segundo algumas pessoas existem videos melhores. Então, peça a eles.
Há quem prefira bluray com cores estouradas e sabe-se lá mais qual bizarrice.
Bluray has a lot of crop, blown out colors, dotcraw and in addition to being censored. The custom version fixes this.
I don't make raw videos because according to some people there are better videos. So, ask them.
There are those who prefer bluray with burst colors and who knows what other bizarre things.
You can find the bluray on M-Team or Animebytes.
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File list: - Bible-Black_Gaiden
- Bible Black_Gaiden_EP01_[UNC_AVC-AC3][64898829].mkv (675.1 MiB)
- Bible Black_Gaiden_EP02_[UNC_AVC-AC3][A90478BB].mkv (641.9 MiB)
(<ゝω·)出错啦!帖子可能火星了~要不登录试试? |